Autozone Documentation

Autozone Documentation

Thank you very much for purchasing Autozone WordPress theme. We’ve put a lot of hard work into it, and we hope you love it as much as we do. As far as the documentation is concerned, we have tried to cover as much as possible to help you get your new template up and running and to help you customise it.We also provide paid services for custom working with the theme or installation . You can order it on services page .


If you plan to make some modifications to the code of the theme, will be better to make them via the child theme. If you make modifications directly to the parent theme, you will lose them when the theme is updated. When you make modifications inside of the child theme instead, you can update the parent theme without losing any change you have made.

To create child theme and transfer all settings from the parent theme to the child theme , please use Child theme configurator .

More information about child themes you can find in WordPress Codex- Child_Themes.

If your changes are not critical and affect only the styles , and you do not have enough settings that come with our theme then you can use the yellow pencil for these purposes . More info about Yellow Pencill

Also you can use our paid service to hire our team and make your website according to your requirements .

Install Theme

To install this theme it is essential to have a working version of WordPress already installed. For the information about WordPress platform installing, please see the WordPress Codex. After you download the “” file from Themeforest you will have all the necessary files . Then you should extract the “” file and you will find the theme zip file called “”inside. You need to install this file.

Please NoteYou can install the theme in two ways: via WordPress, or via FTP. If you have trouble installing the theme via WordPress, please proceed with installing it via FTP and the problem will be solved. Follow the steps below to install via WordPress.

We provide two types of themes depending on the builder’s page Elementor and Wpbakery . Please choose the one you want but note that not all demos are ready for the Elementor and we are adding new demos in future. We recommend using the version for Elementor .
  • Navigation > Appearance >Themes.
  • Click Install Themes and press the upload button.
  • Navigate to find the “” file on your computer and click “Install Now” button.
  • The theme will be uploaded and installed.
  • Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the installed theme.
  • Navigation > Appearance >About Autozone.
  • Activate theme using purchased code ( If you are using a development site, you can deactivate your code to move your site to the main domain . )
  • After theme activation, you will see all the required plugins to be installed . Please install all required plugins ( you can disable unnecessary later ) .
  • Now you can import the demo

Install via FTP

  • Log into your hosting space via an FTP software
  • Unzip the file and use the extracted autozone theme folder
  • Upload the extracted autozone theme folder into wp-content themes in your wordpress installation
  • Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance Themes and activate the installed theme.
  • Navigation > Appearance >About Autozone.
  • Activate theme using purchased code ( If you are using a development site, you can deactivate your code to move your site to the main domain . )
  • After theme activation, you will see all the required plugins to be installed . Please install all required plugins ( you can disable unnecessary later ) .
  • Now you can import the demo

One click import

You can either start building your site from scratch, or import one of our demo sites and then modify it to fit your needs. We will now explain how to do the latter.

autozone comes with one-click import module. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Login to WordPress admin
  • Go into admin panel > Apperance > Import Demo Data
  • Choose the demo site that you wish to import and click on the “Import Demo” button.

If you get any error, please check Import troubleshooting .

Import troubleshooting

Many issues that you may run into such as; white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits.

If you cannot change these settings, use our support forum .

The solution is to increase the PHP limits.

You can do this on your own .

  • Find the php.ini file in your Server config files.
  • For WAMP, its in apache2/bin/apache2.2.22/bin/php.ini
  • Go to the line “max_execution_time=30” .
  • Change it to 360 or any other large value.

Or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows

  • max_execution_time 360
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

Theme Settings

To configure the main theme settings , go to the Appearance – Customizer

Appearance - Customizer


In this video tutorial we will show you how to add a new car .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to create all necessary pages for listing and add to menu .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to add or configure auto filter .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to configure auto fields .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to configure your own custom auto fields .

Purpose listing

In this video you can see how to create new auto listing using auto purpose fields .

Auto Compare

Configure the comparison page go to – Compare page

Auto Booking

In this video tutorial we will show you how to set up our booking system .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to make a reservation when using the booking system for the autozone .


In this video tutorial we will show you how to add Location .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to make a reservation when using the booking system for the autozone .

Please configure page woocommerce for cart and checkout pages .

Autodealer options

Please make sure that you have set all the settings for the dealer .

You can limit the period of adding a car dealer’s work to users – date support autodealer

After adding a car dealer will be available to edit the car in the admin panel of the site .

  • Created and selected a page in Autos – Settings – Sell your car page
  • Autos – Settings – Allowing dealers to add cars without registration
  • Autos – Settings – Status after publication by auto user

In this video you can see How to manage a dealers .

Сustomize your own Header in Apperance -Customizer – Header

If you want to use unique headers for each page please activate Advanced options on page

Now go to the page and configure Header for only this page .

We use this trick on some of our demo pages. So if you want to change our demo page you should just do it.

In Elementor version you can edit footer in Widgets .

In this video tutorial we will show you how to configure footer .

First please edit and choose footer in Apperance – Customizer- Footer .

To setup and edit the footer please use static blocks but set the necessary settings for this in the Wp Bakery .

Now you can create unique footer and add them to your footer in theme customizer .
Also you can create and specify unique footer for each page in page settings

Google Maps

Please create your own API key for Google maps . Follow these steps to get an API key:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  2. Create or select a project.
  3. Click Continue to enable the API and any related services.
  4. On the Credentials page, get an API key. Note: If you have an existing unrestricted API key, or a key with browser restrictions, you may use that key.
  5. From the dialog displaying the API key, select Restrict key to set a browser restriction on the API key.
  6. In the Key restriction section, select HTTP referrers (web sites), then follow the on-screen instructions to set referrers.
  7. (Optional) Enable billing. See Usage Limits for more information.

For more information on using the Google Cloud Platform Console, see API Console Help.


Now add this key in

1. Customizing – General Settings

2. Autos – Booking – Google Maps API key

3. Car Locator – Settings Google maps


In this video we will show you how to enable or disable the car locator in heading .

Contact Form 7

To display the form please use this code in Contact – Contact forms



[text* your-name placeholder”First Name”]


[text* your-name placeholder”Last Name”]




[email* your-email placeholder”Email”]


[text your-phone placeholder”Phone”]




[textarea your-message]

[submit “SEND MESSAGE”]






WPbakery gives you instant access to built in content elements. Each content element has been carefully crafted and offers multiple options that will enable you to build any layout you desire. You can build complex layouts based on these content elements within minutes, and without requiring a single line of code. Please check this video tutorial:

You can use these plugins with the autozone theme and you are fully compliant with the Envato’s policy, but you cannot activate them as the owner (so don’t try to use the autozone purchase code to activate one of these plugins).

When you purchase a theme from ThemeForest that bundles WPbakery and Revolution Slider, you are free to use these Premium plugins with the theme. However, your autozone purchase does not give you individual WPbakery and Revolution Slider licenses that allow you to activate or download these plugins as you wish. Activation doesn’t mean the plugin will not work but only that you cannot receive direct updates. Please don’t worry if you see warning messages about the plugin license activation.

To update you need:

  • Navigate to the Plugins menu in your WordPress admin area.
  • Deactivate revolution slider, delete it
  • Go to Install Required Plugins
  • Upload and install the new version
  • Activate WPbakery.

Row Settings

To create a new unique section use default row settings and also theme row options .

Theme elements

In WPbakery we added a custom Theme elements . You can use it for create your own unique style.

3D Viewer

You must create and upload your sprite in VC widget 3D Viewer . Please use this example .

Revolution slider

First please import all the slides from a folder DemoContent/Revoslides using Revoslider import

Documentation: Video tutorials: available on YouTube

If you are unfamiliar with this awesome plugin, we recommend that you use the online documentation

You can use these plugins with the autozone theme and you are fully compliant with the Envato’s policy, but you cannot activate them as the owner (so don’t try to use the autozone purchase code to activate one of these plugins).

When you purchase a theme from ThemeForest that bundles WPbakery and Revolution Slider, you are free to use these Premium plugins with the theme. However, your autozone purchase does not give you individual WPbakery and Revolution Slider licenses that allow you to activate or download these plugins as you wish. Activation doesn’t mean the plugin will not work but only that you cannot receive direct updates. Please don’t worry if you see warning messages about the plugin license activation.

To update you need:

  • Navigate to the Plugins menu in your WordPress admin area.
  • Deactivate revolution slider, delete it
  • Go to Install Required Plugins
  • Upload and install the new version
  • Activate slider.

Jivo Chat

You can add your chat using Jivochat service . To do this, register on site Jivochat and get the code that you need to add to Kaswara-Settings .

Add To Any Share Buttons

You can add your Share Buttons using AddToAny plugin .

  • Login to WordPress admin
  • Go to Plugins > Add New > search for Add To Any Share Buttons (By AddToAny)
  • Press “Install Now” for the AddToAny plugin
  • Press “Activate Plugin”
  • Go to Plugins > Add To Any Share Buttons > Settings

Set the settings as in the screenshot

Add To Any Share Settings ‹ AutoZone

In this video tutorial we will show you how to configure AddToAny Share Button.


Autozone comes with an auto-update theme and theme plugins during the period of your support .

  • Go to Appearance – Theme – Auto Update

You can find Changelog in

  • Go to Appearance – Theme – Changelog

Important to check updates for PixthemeCustom, PixAutoDeal , Compare cars , Auto Booking plugins after each theme update

Manual Updating

You can update your theme manually by performing the following steps:

  • Download the latest theme zip file from ThemeForest
  • Extract it and locate
  • Extract and locate the autozone folder
  • Copy/Replace content of the autozone folder to the /wp-content/themes/autozone folder of your web site.


You can find Changelog in Appearance – Theme – Autozone – View version details .